Saturday, May 23, 2009

An Introduction to Wind Generators

Click Here! For Information On How To Build A Wind Generator For Under $100.00!

Hello, Welcome to my Blog: Save Energy, Go Green with a Wind Powered Generator. This is the 3rd post I have made to this blog and I would like to take the time to give a brief description of what it is about.

What I would like to do is bring the attention of as many people as I can to at least consider “Going Green” the cheapest way possible. You see “Going Green” is about saving money, conserving energy and keeping the planet clean and healthy for our children, there children and the generations to follow them. It is our responsibility to preserve our planet for them. So, with that in mind, this post and the two before it are about wind generators and the cheapest way to obtain one and start living “Off The Grid”.

The best way I have learned to start a project that I am not familiar with is… from someone who is… and I have found that someone. They are Les and Jane, they have 15 years worth of experience and have been living “Off the Grid” with only solar and wind power for all of those years. They have run a business building and installing wind generators and solar panels and have been very successful at it, the only problem was that it was very expensive for the average home to have this installed at a price tag of $10,000.00, the biggest expense of that was the cost of the wind generator at about $4,000.00.

Their goal was the same as all of ours, to conserve energy and do it as cheaply as possibly. Now this was not very cheap since $10,000.00 is a lot of money for the most of us, so they set out to find a cheaper way so that anyone who would like to start living green could. They did a ton of research and to cut the story short, they came up with a plan to build a wind generator for less than $100.00.

You can read more about Les and Jane by
Clicking Here.

You can also click on the link at the top of this page.

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